Monday 27 February 2012

De-constructing Fairy tale

Fairy tales - Walt Disney!!

Walt Disney fairy tales are reconstructions of the Grimm brothers stories. These often contained:

  • Once upon a time
  • Prince and Princess
  • Talking Animals 
  • Good and Evil
  • Eternal Sleep
  • Forest
  • Happily ever after
Fairy tales - Grimm Brothers 

Grimm Brothers are old gruesome stories which usually consist of:
  • Murder
  • Rape 
  • Cannibalism 
  • Violence 
  • Incensed
  • Paedophilia 

We set ourselves a task on creating our own short story.  I like the concept of using a fairy tale with the same qualities from the Grimm Brothers.  For my story I decided to De-construct Hansel and Gretel.

Hansel and Gretel

I took Hansel and Gretel and changed the aesthetics with a paedophilia twist.

There was a man who would lure children deep in the woods by offering them candy.  When they were in his cabin he would abuse them, rape them, burn their bodies and scatter their ashes around the forest.  A middle age couple were on a walking that day and notices smoke in the distance.  When they found out what the man had been doing they informed the police.  

The man was convicted of  21 life sentences which he admitted to. After only serving three months he was reported missing.  2 days later he was found in one of the prisons Large ovens where he had been locked in and burnt alive.

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