Wednesday 8 February 2012

First Rehearsal 6/02/2012

Individual Idea Research

What ideas I would like to experiment with:

Slow Motion:  I have been watching slow motion videos on-line which I have found extremely interesting.  Taking something tiny and slowing down its action creates amazing images.  The same could be related to the movements of the human body in action, if the actions of the body were suddenly slowed down it could create some really beautiful images.  Actions such as    - Running
                                                                        - Swimming
                                                                        - Karate
                                                                        - Pakour
                                                                        - Dancing.

Neon Paint:  This is something I have always wanted to experiment with as I find it can bring a certain atmosphere to the working space. plus this is something I haven't seen being put into practice on the stage before.
The whole stage is blacked out, 2 black-lights on at each side of the space, performers have colourful neon paint on there hands and feet walking/dancing/flipping around the space would create an amazing image on stage.

Hidden Talents: Exploring hidden traits we didn't know about each other to perhaps include within the piece.
Myself:     I play drums
                Not afraid of getting hurt
Stephen:   Can sing 
                Great at Burkoff Mime
                Great with accents
Ben:         Great at improvising with objects
                Plays guitar
Ollie:        Writing text/poems
Jen:          Writing text/poems
Cris:         Not afraid to get hurt
                Great with accents
Elivia:       Dancer
Natalie:    Dancer

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