Wednesday 23 May 2012

A Whole knew Bowl of Crazy...

We have found that the subject 'serial killers' will offer us a wider verity of ideas which we could use.  So Serial killers it is.

 Serial Killers-Films 
American psycho, tells the story of one Patrick Bateman.  PB is a wealthy 27 year old man living in New York City who has a dark secret.  At night he strolls out into the city butchering homeless people, animals and prostitutes to fuel his amusement.  He mentioned he has all the characteristics of a human being, flesh, bone and  blood but not one single identifiable emotion.  He is fuel by greed, envy and anger.

From American Psycho we liked the concept of having a morning routine set to perform.  We devised an exercise routine which we performed over a piece of text written by Jen martin.

Another idea which we really enjoyed was Patrick Bateman's use of decorating costumes.  The way the blood splattered on it created a beautiful image.  We managed to buy some decorating outfits which we used for a majority of our rehearsals.  They didn't half tear though.