Friday 27 April 2012

20 Minute Showing and Feedback!!!

After showing our 20 minutes to Peter and from the feedback we received it was clear to us the changes that needed to made.  one of the aspect he wanted to keep in was the ideas of Serial Killers.

  • What makes a serial killers?
  • What makes us kill?
  • Insanity is what?
  • Masks of insanity are what?
  • What can be classed as normal?

The notion of having a narrative needs to be worked on.  The idea of being characters is a risky move.

Needs to be a lot more crazy!!!

Make better use of the Scaffolding perhaps use 2 of them!  Develop writing and establish the characters more clearly.

Work out Frames!!!

The performance itself went pretty but much from this point needs to be worked on.

Friday 13 April 2012


Stage Layout Ideas

From the get-go were fixed on the idea of using a scaffolding as part of our set mainly because it gave us the ability to work with hight and risk.

We managed to get the scaffold into the space with a couple of crash mats to practise dramatic falls.  We managed cover the mats using flats like so.

When watching the film Bronson it was mentioned that he climbed onto the roof of a prison and protested causing over £100,000 in damages. From this we decided to have a rebelling scene where we would climb the scaffold in a chaotic manor.

The rest of the stage would consist of critical aspects of a prison.  We used the elements of having a dinning area and a yard where training takes place.

Main Structure at this Point

Our structure from this point on was to show the audience around a prison were these insane prisoners are kept.  The prisoners routine will be on show for the audience with a rebelling scene at the end where the characters get shot  by the officer... officer being Ollie!!!